An American Railroad Portrait: People, Places and Pultney & Honoring Our Father: A Bicentennial Salute to Colonel John Hamm Sullivan

In 1993 and 2003, Daniel L. Frizzi, Jr. authored books outlining the history of Belmont County and Bellaire, Ohio. The books have a particular emphasis on the City of Bellaire and its rich history and heritage. Through the generous donation of the copyright of these books, the BHS Endowment Fund now owns all right to royalties and sales of the remaining inventory. The books are available through the BHS Endowment Fund.


Daniel L. Frizzi, Jr. is a graduate of the Bellaire High School class of 1970. Upon graduation, he attended Ohio University graduating in 1974 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. Following college, Mr. Frizzi attended law school at Ohio Northern University and graduated with a Juris Doctor Degree in Law. Writing has always been a part of his activities. At BHS, he was a member of the Beljuan Staff, and in law school he was a member of the ONU Law Review and was published in 1974. Since that time, he has written articles relating to local history, and has contributed to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Historical Society bi-annual publication, The Sentinel. The sale of the books authored by Frizzi will serve as the source of funding a History Grant Award Competition open to high school seniors and paying $1,000.00 toward their future education.


 Attorney Frizzi has practiced law in Bellaire for the past 24 years, and his wife and three children are all graduates of Bellaire High School.


Available for sale by the BHS Endowment Fund

You can help the BHS Endowment Fund achieve the goal envisioned by Mr. Frizzi by purchasing a copy of the books An American Railroad Portrait: People, Places and Pultney and Honoring Our Father:  A Bicentennial Salute to Colonel John Hamm Sullivan. Your purchase will enable the Endowment Fund to continue with the goal of establishing the Local History Grant Program that is offered to Bellaire High School student. Copies of An American Railroad Portrait and Honoring Our Father can be ordered at the following rates:

An American Railroad Portrait

Honoring Our Father

Hard Bound

$40.00 + $4.00 postage

$35.00 + $4.00 postage

Soft Bound

$30.00 + $4.00 postage

Hard Bound ONLY

Money can be sent to BHS ENDOWMENT FUND, P.O. Box 129, Bellaire, Ohio 43906-0129.